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I love you...I hate you

 I love you...I hate you
Categories: Love words

I hate you.. I love you!

When the girl says to her friend... I hate you so much... I can't stand to see you... I would like to shoot you... meeting death is easier than meeting you... when she tears her hair out of hatred... and her nails shoot in the air out of anger... you are in... A state of love and not a state of hatred. There is no difference between love and hate. They are both fire. They are both intense care and a warm connection between two hearts. And if it were not for care, the blood would not have boiled like this, nor the nerves would have been torn. Hatred costs more than love... because it is an unnatural feeling... a reverse feeling like the movement of objects against the Earth's gravity... it needs additional strength and consumes more fuel... hate is a downward growth... not an upward growth... it is a growth that feeds on itself and eats Some of it...and the love that quickly turns from blazing love to blazing lustful, selfish, small-minded, narrow-minded love that lacks understanding and reason. His sudden shift to hatred does not indicate the openness of the mind to deep understanding, nor does it indicate the openness of the soul to generous tolerance... nor does it reveal generous spiritual feelings... rather it reveals extreme stinginess and miserliness... and indicates the confinement of the soul to one selfish or selfish desire. Limited pleasure... Love quickly turns into hatred... when she is disappointed... so the girl withdraws her kisses and replaces them with a quick slap... She did not love her man in reality... but rather she loved herself... and loved her vanity, dignity, comfort and pleasure... and she loved him. That he fulfills these needs for her...then she began to hate that he let her down...the fire of love...and the fire of was one was her love for herself...and her pleasure in what pleases her and her rejection of what hurts and harms her...hatred...and jealousy...and revenge. Evil emotions that stem from selfishness... and from a closed soul that is very keen on its own good... very stingy with its love... very remorseful for missing out on something... very impatient with being let down. Hatred does not last long. It burns itself over time from excessive torment, from excessive anxiety, from excessive worry. Then, in the end, it opens up to a broader understanding of the world... and to a compassionate awareness of the nature of people and the nature of things. Then comes the second love... and it is usually a deeper, more lasting love, more refined in its pleasures... and sweeter in its memories... and the third love is deeper than the second love... and the last love is the deepest love because the girl loves her man with all her experiences... and with all her development and history. .. And there are many endless joys exchanged with him.. It is not true that the first love is the greatest love.. What is true is that the first love.. is the smallest love.. And the biggest mistake a man commits is to marry his first love.. From a book on love and life by the author Mustafa Mahmoud
Categories: Love words
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